
Golden Yellow Michelia Alba ( free shipping )

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $78.00.

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Rare michelia with cream to pastel orange/yellow (or light orange) flowers, highly fragrant. A new Thai hybrid with large and wide petals is called Champee Si Nuan. The flowers resemble those of Magnolia champaca, but more pastel color and much bigger size.

The size of the flower can reach 5-6″ wide. Flowers turn darker color with age, almost brown before they drop. Fragrance is very strong. Blooms almost year-round. Plant this nice small specimen tree near a driveway or in any other place with walk traffic where the fragrance can be appreciated. Similar looking magnolia hybrid is M.

Michelia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae). The genus includes about 50 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, native to tropical and subtropical south and southeast Asia .

Air layer 12″-24″. shipping repackaging. free shipping.

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs

small, Medium, Large


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