
7″ Guava ( grafted or air layer)

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $105.00.

Crisp enticing aroma. Fewer seeds, flesh thick, heavy production. The flesh is sweet,crisp, aromatic and of excellent eating quality. The tree is a moderately vigorous grower attaining heights of 6-8 feet adorned with fruit that often hang in clusters. Fruit ripen from september throrugh December.
Vitamin C” the best time. A guava contains Vitamin C150 mg, 2 times more than the Department of Health recommended daily amount, and the other is rich in dietary fiber, can help digestion.
The fruit is sweet, aromatic, and is born on a tree suitable to a small backyard . We are producers, Not count gallons. 20″-30″H . shipping repack with soft plastic.

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